Employees sitting at a table having a meeting in the distance 1200x504
Employees sitting at a table having a meeting in the distance 1200x504


Learn about our company, culture and employment opportunities.

Employees sitting listening to two people talk
Employees sitting listening to two people talk

Our Culture 

We’re proud to provide a dynamic, stimulating and rewarding work culture.

Collage of people
Collage of people

We Take Pride In

Out-of-the-box ideas that solve tough problems; continuous learning and development from both our successes and failures, and thrive on teamwork built from trusted relationships

Five employee standing at a desk looking at construction documents
Five employee standing at a desk looking at construction documents

We Expect

Our colleagues to bring all of themselves to CMiC and whatever it is that makes them uniquely talented, distinctive, and fun.

Six employees looking at monitors
Six employees looking at monitors

We Understand

People want rewarding jobs that have an important purpose.

Our operations are built around these ideas and so much more — the ability to seize tomorrow’s opportunities today, to shatter stereotypes with breakthrough approaches, and to share ideas, no matter how small.

Current Job Openings

CMiC is always growing! We have open positions in many of our departments. We encourage you to explore available opportunities and to apply if you find a role that’s aligned with your experience, skills and interests. If you don’t find an opportunity that suits your interests, you can still submit your resume. We’ll be sure to get back to you if we think there’s a fit!

Employee Spotlights

Want to know what our employees do every day?

Take a peak behind the curtain, and browse through our Employee Spotlights. From product development, to account management to marketing, you'll be impressed with our breadth of talent CMiC has to offer.

Majdi small - employee

Meet Majdi

Director of Engineering, Project Management

Shirin Ali thumbnail employee

Meet Shirin

Director, Marketing and Head of CONNECT

Maria - employee

Meet Maria

Database Architect

Jim - employee

Meet Jim

Senior Development Manager

Steve - employee

Meet Steve

Chief Product Officer

Peter - employee

Meet Peter

Senior Account Executive

bilal - employee

Meet Bilal

Account Manager – Team Lead

lorena rogovsky - employee

Meet Lorena

HR Manager

Two people looking at a laptop

Let's Connect

Two people looking at a laptop

Complete the form and we will contact you within the next two business days. Or schedule a demo with a CMiC expert.