Project Visibility: Achieve Transparency by Providing Real-Time Access to Project Data and Documents

Provide project team members access to documents to keep everyone abreast of updates.

Our solution, which will provide all project team members, from office staff to on-site workers, will have access to project documents and data — in real time. Other key features help enhance communication, heighten collaboration and provide transparency to all stakeholders.

The Problem: Non-Integrated Tools Leading the Use of Manual Processes, Duplicate Entries and Inefficiencies

The use of different systems that are not designed to integrate with other tools leads to challenges in capturing and synthesizing data, process inefficiencies and redundancies in tasks.

The Solution: Achive Project Transparency with CMiC’s Construction ERP

Our ERP provides project team members and stakeholders with access to key project data and documents – from reports to change orders to project drawings.

Four construction workers looking at an drawings at a table
Four construction workers looking at an drawings at a table

Real-Time Access to Accurate and Up-to-Date Data — From Anywhere, Across Devices

Unifying your back office and on-site data into robust ERP with real-time access ensures all your teams can access all project documents, communications and data – whenever they need it.

What this means is that all project team members, from project managers to site supervisors, can stay on top of project progress and any issues that may arise. This enables them to course correct in a timely manner, if needed.

Learn more about how our platform, with native mobile capabilities, provides construction firms a competitive edge.

Construction executives looking at a wall
Construction executives looking at a wall

Drive Operational Agility through Advanced Change Management Capabilities

With construction projects increasing in complexity, it’s critical for teams to be able to log, control and/or adapt to changes. Through our fully integrated platform equipped with robust change management functionality, your teams will be ready to address change orders and achieve operational agility.

Two people looking at a laptop

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Two people looking at a laptop

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