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Blue buildings against a blue sky 1200x800

Multi-year Accessibility Plan

In this Multi-year Accessibility Plan, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is referred to as “AODA”, Regulation 191/11 – Integrated Accessibility Standards is referred to as the “IASR”, and AODA and the IASR are collectively referred to as the “Accessibility Act”.


CMiC is an extremely collaborative environment. Working collectively ensures that each employee is able to perform to the best of their abilities, while also being able to find support in tasks that prove to be a challenge for them. This makes our team more efficient and inclusive.

CMiC is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity.

We are committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and by meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility Act.

We look forward to being a leader in our province towards making Ontario accessible to everyone.


CMiC is a software development firm that delivers the most comprehensive and advanced enterprise and field operations solutions, purpose-built for construction and capital projects companies.

This Multi-year Accessibility Plan outlines CMiC’s efforts and plans to, in accordance with the Accessibility Act, prevent and remove barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

Under the Accessibility Act, the following accessibility standards apply to CMiC:

  • Customer Service

  • Information and Communications

  • Employment

  • Design of Public Spaces

In accordance with the requirements set out in the Accessibility Act, CMiC will:

  • Establish, implement, maintain, and document this Multi-year Accessibility Plan;

  • Post this Multi-year Accessibility Plan on its website (;

  • Provide this Multi-year Accessibility Plan in an accessible format, upon request; and

  • Review and update this Multi-year Accessibility Plan at least once every five (5) years.



CMiC is committed to providing excellent customer service to all current and potential customers. This includes providing accessible customer service to persons with disabilities in a way that respects their dignity and independence. This commitment will be integrated wherever possible to ensure that persons with disabilities will benefit from the same goods and services as other customers in a similar way as other customers. CMiC is committed to complying with the Customer Service Standards set out in the IASR.

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC will provide general accessible customer service training, as necessary, to: i) employees and volunteers; ii) anyone involved in developing our accessibility policies; and iii) anyone who provides goods, services, or facilities to customers on our behalf.

    • Training will be provided to CMiC employees as part of new hire onboarding and on a continuing basis, as required.

    • Employees will also be trained when changes are made to our accessible customer service policy.

    • A record of completion of accessible customer service training is kept.

  • CMiC accommodates persons with service animals and/or support persons on CMiC premises open to the public or third parties.

  • CMiC will, upon request, offer alternative forms of communication which might better suit an individual’s needs.

  • Pre-sales, sales, and demo materials will be made available in alternate formats if requested.

  • CMiC will provide notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by customers with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be sent to all employees and will be placed at all public entrances to CMiC premises.

  • CMiC’s goal is to meet and surpass customer expectations in accommodating persons with disabilities. Comments regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcomed and appreciated. Feedback regarding accommodation for people with disabilities can be made at any time and will be addressed in a timely fashion. CMiC makes sure our feedback process is accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports, on request.

  • Customers can provide feedback in a variety of ways, including by e-mail, through submission of an issue through our online portal, by phone, and in-person.

  • CMiC will provide a copy of its accessible customer service policy in an accessible format or with communication support, upon request. CMiC will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the accessible format or communication support and will provide the accessible format or communication support in a timely manner at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will provide more in-depth training related to the IASR’s Customer Service Standards. Records of progression and completion will be kept.

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to customer service to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.



CMiC is committed to making our information and communications accessible to everyone, including persons with disabilities.

I) Feedback, Accessible Formats, and Communication Supports

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC ensures that existing and new processes for providing and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities. Upon request, CMiC will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for providing feedback.

  • In addition, with respect to applicable matters other than feedback, CMiC will, upon request, provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities.

  • While considering a person’s accessibility needs, requested accessible formats and communication supports will be provided to persons with disabilities in a timely manner at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. CMiC will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the accessible format or communication support.

  • CMiC notifies the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will provide more in-depth training related to the IASR’s Information and Communications Standards. Records of progression and completion will be kept.

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to information and communications to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.

II) Accessible Websites and Web Content

Past Achievements:

  • Prior to January 1, 2021, CMiC’s website and web content, except for the relevant exclusions (if applicable), were updated to be compliant with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.



CMiC is committed to fair and accessible employment practices across all stages of the employment cycle.

I) Recruitment and Selection

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC notifies employees, potential hires, and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring. This is done on CMiC’s website, on job postings, and in communications with potential hires.

  • CMiC notifies employees and potential hires that supports are available for those with disabilities and has a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees and potential hires.

  • Communications during the recruitment process, including, but not limited to, the job posting, pre-employment assessment invitations, and offers of employment include a statement advising the potential hire of the availability of accommodation.

  • If an applicant requests an accommodation, CMiC will consult with the applicant and will arrange suitable accommodations in a manner that considers the applicant’s accessibility needs.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will review its process with respect to developing individual accommodation plans and will make any necessary changes.

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to recruitment and selection to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.

II) Informing Employees of Supports Commitment

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC informs all employees of policies that support employees with disabilities.

  • CMiC informs applicants, new hires, and current employees that supports are available for those with disabilities and has a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees, if necessary.

  • As part of onboarding, CMiC advises new employees of their ability to request supports.

  • CMiC will, upon request, provide employees with disabilities with suitable accessible formats and communications supports with respect to information that is generally available to employees in the workplace and with respect to information that is needed in order for the employee to perform their job. This will be done in consultation with the employee to determine the suitability of the accessible format or communication support.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will review its process with respect to developing individual accommodation plans and will make any necessary changes.

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to informing employees of supports commitment to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.

III) Workplace Emergency Response Information

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC is prepared to provide individualized workplace emergency response information for employees with disabilities that require such individualized information.

  • The individualized information will be provided to the employee as soon as practicable after CMiC becomes aware of the requirement.

  • Where required and with the employee’s consent, CMiC shall provide the employee’s workplace emergency response information to a person designated by CMiC to provide assistance to the employee.

Going Forward:

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to workplace emergency response information to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.

  • When CMiC reviews its general emergency response procedures, it shall also review any individualized workplace emergency response information.

IV) Documented Individual Accommodation Plans/Return to Work Process

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC will ensure that employees with a disability who require accommodation will receive such accommodation, including in return to work processes, up to the point of undue hardship.

  • CMiC will ensure that employees with a disability who require accommodation will be considered individually, on a case-by-case basis, in order to determine accommodation requirements, including as part of any return to work plan.

  • CMiC has in place a process to develop individual accommodation plans and return to work plans. CMiC will ensure that its processes include the necessary information set out in the IASR.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will review its processes with respect to developing individual accommodation plans and return to work plans and will make any necessary changes.

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to documented individual accommodation plans/return to work processes to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.

V) Performance Management, Career Development & Advancement, and Redeployment

Past Achievements:

  • As part of its performance management, career development & advancement, and redeployment processes, CMiC will consider an employee with a disability’s accessibility needs, including any requirement for an individual accommodation plan.

Going Forward:

  • From time to time, CMiC will review its accessibility policies with respect to performance management, career development & advancement, and redeployment to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set out in the IASR. If necessary, such policies will be updated.



CMiC is committed to meeting its obligations under the Design of Public Spaces Standards of the IASR.

Past Achievements:

  • CMiC put in an exterior path of travel that, as noted in the 2017 Compliance Report, met the technical and general requirements.

  • CMiC put in a new reception desk that has an open side that is accessible for persons with disabilities.

  • CMiC redeveloped its waiting area, which does not have any fixed seating and is accessible to persons with disabilities.

  • Other than as set out above, as of June 2021 CMiC has not constructed new, or redeveloped existing, exterior paths of travel, public use eating areas, outdoor play spaces, off-street parking, or waiting areas nor constructed new service counters or fixed queuing guides since January 1, 2017.

  • To the extent applicable, CMiC will ensure that all applicable accessible elements in public spaces are maintained. CMiC has a Maintenance Department that is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of such elements and is responsible for all preventative and emergency maintenance. In some cases, a third party may be required to perform certain maintenance activities. If any accessible elements become unavailable, CMiC will communicate such unavailability (for example, by way of posted noticed or direct communication with persons requiring use of the accessible element) and will provide an alternative option in consultation with the person requiring use of the accessible element.

Going Forward:

  • In the event CMiC undertakes any of the abovementioned activities, it will meet the requirements set out in the IASR.

  • CMiC will continue to meet its maintenance requirements as discussed above.



CMiC is committed to meeting or exceeding all training requirements as set out in the IASR.

Past Achievements:

  • As part of new hire orientation and health & safety training, CMiC’s employees receive general training with respect to the Accessibility Act and who to contact if they or a customer requires accommodation.

  • CMiC keeps a log to ensure that all employees have completed the training.

Going Forward:

  • By December 31, 2021, CMiC will provide more in-depth Accessibility Act and Ontario Human Rights Code (as it relates to people with disabilities) training. Records of progression and completion will be kept.


For more information on this Multi-year Accessibility Plan, please contact Human Resources by phone at 416-736-0123 or by email at

Standard and accessible formats of this document are provided free of charge upon request made to Human Resources.